Portland, Maine attorney, Robert Morris, is a member of the Board of Directors of Free the Kids, the fund raising arm of Pwoje Espwa Sud, an orphanage that houses 800 children in Les Cayes, Haiti.
In recent weeks, questions have arisen about the conduct of a self-proclaimed Franciscan monk who volunteers at the orphanage.
In his May 3rd blog (now shut down by him), Brother Robert-Anthony Campbell, FSD wrote the following about an 11 year-old Haitian orphan:
"I showered him from head to toe, scrubbed his hair and washed his shorts. I also found time to re-apply the cream I've been using to help his rash and I'm happy to report the rash has cleared up (and he's a lot cleaner too, lol) I'm going to pick up some new sandals for him tomorrow after I go to the bank. It was frustrating to shower him and re-dress him in clean underwear, shorts and a T-shirt then let him leave barefoot..."
May 3, 2011, Brother Robert Anthony Campbell, FSD
Morris, his fellow Free the Kids board members (including Dr. Cynthia Desoi of Lewiston, Maine) and Rev. Marc Boisvert, OMI, the founder of Pwoje Espwa have reacted to questions about Brother Campbell's conduct with silence and hostility.